Considering Separation

by Lorrie Brook / OCA / 22 Dec 2014

Are you in a relationship but wish you weren’t? Are you only staying because of your children?

What do you think the impact of you staying in the relationship is having on your children? Can they see and feel your sadness? Can they see the anger and hurt being exhibited by one or both of your? Do they see or hear the fights and arguments?

All of these are issues you need to consider. Having both parents around is good for children without a doubt but does this good outweigh the hurtful and sadness they are exposed to on a daily basis?

In saying this, you must also remember that if you decide to separate this new reality will be forced upon them; so it will take some time for them to adjust. It may not be as easy as moving out and playing happy families. There will be new family dynamics that will take time for everyone to get used to.

If you are thinking of separating, before you do so, if you can see a lawyer. Go get some advice about what you should do. Speak to a counsellor – it is so important that you remember to look after yourself and if your children need to have someone around who they can speak to as well – not you and not the other parent. Give them a sounding board – someone that they can open up to without feeling judged.

The team at Our Children Australia have worked with a number of professionals who can assist you at this point. If you would like to contact one of them – you can find their details here.